We have discussed about Infinite Scroll, Parallax Scrolling, Click to Expand, Why Tab Content is bad for SEO? (SEO & Web Design Tips 1) and wow we are providing here some other SEO and web design tips regarding seo friendly design, rss feed, social media signals and webmaster disavow tool.
SEO & Web Design Tips 2: “Don’t Design Your Website without Considering SEO”
SEO Friendly Web Design: If your website follows Google Webmaster Guideline that means website is a SEO friendly or user friendly or Google friendly. It is basically on-page SEO technique.
SEO Effect: SEO friendly web design can boost your website visibility or ranking on search engine result page (SERP). It is powerful organic ranking factor.
Proof & Solution: Google have said in his webmaster guideline that it will give more priority to quality websites or user friendly websites. So make your website for user and increase your ranking on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Relevant Link – On page SEO technique
SEO & Web Design Tips 3: “Twitter Follow & Facebook likes are not responsible for ranking but engagement increase awareness of your brand and traffic.”
Social Media Marketing – Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter all are top social media sites where you can post text, image, video etc. You can easily promote your product here.
SEO Effect: Google don’t take any social media signals for ranking but Google consider back links on social media links.
Proof & Solution: Matt Cutts said in his webmaster video about social signals.
Check here – Are pages from social media sites ranked differently?
You can improve your traffic and popularity using social media. Some SEO expert says that social media can help to improve your ranking indirectly. So use social media for brand name popularity and brand awareness.
Relevant Link –
Facebook, Twitter Social Signals Not Part of Google Search Ranking Algorithms
SEO & Web Design Tips 4: “the disavow files are generally processed automatically, no human involved”
Disavow: If your website is panalized by penguin than you can remove your bad links using disavow which is a part of webmaster tool.
SEO Effect: Disavow is very helpful for SEO folks because some time they get SEO projects with bad links, they can easily remove bad links and improve ranking on Google. Webmaster takes 3-9 months to process Disavow file. File has 2 MB size limit and don’t submit nofollow links, expert says – sometime disavow tool does not process your all links. Please carefully use this tool.
Proof & Solution: Disavow Help
SEO & Web Design Tips 5: “Use RSS Feeds in your website for fast Google Crawling”
RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication): RSS feed is a simple xml file and provides the information about website’s new content or pages to Search Engine.
SEO Effect: Using RSS Feed Google easily crawl your new pages in your website. If you add new pages in his website regularly that time it is best for you.
Example: job portal sites add many pages or job post daily but they can’t update his sitemap daily so RSS feed can help to crawl them.
It is also helpful in the condition of regular blog posting. It is also helpful in blog comments on your blog. Google loves genuine blog comments.
SEO Solution: You can check easily check that your website has RSS feed or not. Just check http://www.websitename.com/feed. If you don’t have RSS feed than contact your website design agency.
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