Category: SEO

  • March 20, 2015

How Small SEO Company can make your business global?

(Public Relation + Ranking + Leads + Traffic + Digital Marketing + Content Marketing + Social Media = SEO) Yes, it is right. SEO is a process where you can make your business as a brand and proof that you are not running a small business because internet is a … Read More “How Small SEO Company can make your business global?”

  • February 28, 2015

7 Confusing SEO Questions are Really Hard to Understand

Google don’t want to disclose his exact algorithms to maintain search quality, even SEO experts don’t know answers of some SEO questions which are hard to understand. Let’s debate on some confusing SEO guidelines and tricks. 1. What is the best SEO practise? White hat SEO – Following Google’s guideline to … Read More “7 Confusing SEO Questions are Really Hard to Understand”

  • February 28, 2015

7 Confusing SEO Questions are Really Hard to Understand – CG Colors Inc.

Google doesn’t want to disclose its exact algorithms to maintain search quality, even SEO experts don’t know the answers to some SEO questions which are hard to understand. Let’s debate some confusing SEO guidelines and tricks 1.     What is the best SEO practice? White hat SEO – Following … Read More “7 Confusing SEO Questions are Really Hard to Understand – CG Colors Inc.”

  • January 28, 2015

Important SEO & web design tips which can’t be avoided

This is our 3rd blog post in the series of Important SEO & Web Design tips which can’t be avoided. SEO & Web Design Tips 6: “Improve Website Quality for Google using Meta Tags, XML Site-map, Robots.txt, RSS feed, Favicon, 404 error page, heading tags, alt tag, anchor tag” Quality … Read More “Important SEO & web design tips which can’t be avoided”

  • January 09, 2015

SEO Friendly Web Design Tips – RSS Feed, Social Media Signals, Disavow Files

We have discussed about Infinite Scroll, Parallax Scrolling, Click to Expand, Why Tab Content is bad for SEO? (SEO & Web Design Tips 1) and wow we are providing here some other SEO and web design tips regarding seo friendly design, rss feed, social media signals and webmaster disavow tool. … Read More “SEO Friendly Web Design Tips – RSS Feed, Social Media Signals, Disavow Files”

  • December 19, 2014

Infinite Scroll, Parallax Scrolling, Click to Expand, Tab Content bad for SEO?

Hello folks, we have been writing SEO blogs for a long time and sharing our experience and knowledge with you and now we are planning to bring quick SEO tips on Google+ daily. These small tips will give you quick information and you read brief, if interesting to you. If … Read More “Infinite Scroll, Parallax Scrolling, Click to Expand, Tab Content bad for SEO?”

  • December 11, 2014

In-depth internet marketing techniques for SEO folks

SEO is dead or its loosing its value, you might be hearing this here and there but that’s not true. SEO is still very important to grow your client’s business organically. No matter how much your client is spending on PPC or paid promotions you will have to work hard … Read More “In-depth internet marketing techniques for SEO folks”

  • November 20, 2014

SEO Marketing Trends for Business Websites in New York

I didn’t believe when I heard from a local blog “SEO has been dead” but the fact is, SEO is still alive and its landscape has been changed. New SEO Marketing trends are adding regularly. Hummingbird, Panda 5.0, Penguin 3.0, Google Authorship, Page Rank Algorithm etc updates have been launched … Read More “SEO Marketing Trends for Business Websites in New York”

  • July 26, 2014

How to Market Your Local Business on the internet

Good News for Small Businesses Google announced local Search Engine Update on July 24th which is helpful for local businesses and small business. Google said that this new algorithm improves their geographical and location ranking parameters. Some expert also says this is a Pigeon update. Now Google is improving our … Read More “How to Market Your Local Business on the internet”

  • July 26, 2014

How to Market Your Local Business on the internet

Good News for Small Businesses Google announced local Search Engine Update on July 24th which is helpful for local businesses and small business. Google said that this new algorithm improves their geographical and location ranking parameters. Some expert also says this is a Pigeon update. Now Google is improving our … Read More “How to Market Your Local Business on the internet”