(Public Relation + Ranking + Leads + Traffic + Digital Marketing + Content Marketing + Social Media = SEO)
Yes, it is right. SEO is a process where you can make your business as a brand and proof that you are not running a small business because internet is a medium which can be reached you at global level and you can spread your business worldwide from your hometown like New York. There are many SEO companies which provide SEO services only for ranking but if you want to see your business as a brand or global than only ranking is not enough. Digital Marketing (Video marketing, Image Marketing, Info-graph, PPT Slide promotion, PDF distribution), Social Media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, Scoop.it etc.) and Blogging (content marketing) are also necessary to grow your business. Most of SEO companies don’t provide digital marketing, social media marketing and blogging services in his SEO package but fact is that these are also part of SEO.
Some essential tricks are helpful in SEO for Business owners….
Make Business Page Using Brand Name – Digital Marketing and Social Media
Make your business page on all social Media like FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, YouTube, Scoop.It, Pinterest, Vimeo etc. using Brand name and add website url, description, category, logo (logo with brand name is best), location. Join groups and communities on social media and post images and banners using logo or brand name. Image posting is better than text posting because it attracts more users.
Use All Platforms for Promotion – Improve Your Business Standard
Use all platform like text, image, video, audio, ppt, pdf etc. for promotions. Example – make a YouTube channel and add business relevant video. Even Google like different platform links and consider it for better ranking.
Choose Best SEO Company – If you really want to make a Brand
Suppose you are living in New York and looking for SEO company than check SEO package first than make sure that digital marketing, blogging and social media are also part of this package or not.
Unique Brand Name – Register a website using unique Brand Name
Some business owners don’t waste time for choosing a brand name and select brand name randomly but they are doing wrong because Google love your unique brand name. Brand name popularity can improve your website ranking and traffic.
Regular Blogging on Own Website – Fresh Content Marketing
Post at least one blog in a week which should be 100% fresh or unique. Google love this and you can target more audience. Make sure, your blog should be informative not promotional.
Regular Engagement with Users – Using Forum and Community Website
Improve your interaction with users on forum websites and community websites. You can solve user’s problems on these platforms. Example – Suppose you are a dentist. You can join dentist forums or communities and solve people’s problem online. You can also add forum or community in your own website. It can be helpful for user engagement.
SEO Companies take time for Ranking – You have to keep Patience
Some guys say that PPC is better than SEO. It is right but it is very costly and you never make your business a big brand. SEO take minimum 6 months for good ranking and traffic so you have to keep patience. Not be panic, after 2- 3 months you can easily find out that your SEO is going good or not using Google Analytic Report. You can set your website in Google analytic using Gmail ID.
Contact: CgColors is a reputed SEO Company, provides complete SEO services at affordable prices.