SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, might seem like a whole lot to begin. However, with some study and helpful resources, you can master the technicalities and get the hang of doing things yourself. Here are some of the best SEO resources on the Internet for startups and beginners. These are helpful, trustworthy and essential.
1) SEO Blogs
SEO blogs will help you keep up-to-date with search engine news, tips and tricks, changes in algorithms. Most of these are free and filled with only the best content.
- SELand
- SEOmoz Blog
- SEOBook
- SERoundtable
- SEO Alltop
- SEJournal
- Conversation Marketing
- SEO By the Sea
- Blogstorm
- Dave Naylor
- Marketing Pilgrim
- Distilled
- Chris Brogan
- GG WM Central
- Eric Enge
- Avinash Kaushik
- Gil Reich
- eMarketer
2) SEO Tools
Here is the list of SEO tools which will help you lot in SEO and to review progress.
- Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool
- Bing Webmaster Tools
- Buzzstream Tools Suite
- Content Strategy Generator Tool
- Google Analytics
- Google Keyword Planner
- Internet Marketing Ninjas SEO Tools
- SEOQuake
- Wordstream Free Keyword Tools
- XML-Sitemaps.com
- Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin
- MozBar
- Screaming Frog
3) SEO Starter Guide
This is Google’s official guide for startups that want to get break into SEO [http://static.googleusercontent.com/external_content/untrusted_dlcp/www.google.com/en/us/webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf” and if you want to give another Starter guide a chance to learn more about SEO then Moz’s starter guide is worth checking http://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo All your online efforts, at the end of the day, will be directed towards one goal – to get a good rank on Google so that people notice you and your business.
4) SEO Forums
Forums are the perfect platform for you to find answers to all your SEO questions. You will also be able to participate in discussions and learn by reading what others, who are more experienced, are sharing.
5) SES Conference
Conferences are a great way of diving right into the SEO scene. The SES Conference [[http://sesconference.com/”] is the one of the world’s best and most popular event series about social marketing and search engine optimization. Being a part of a full blown conference might seem like too technical a thing to do but it can be one of the best SEO resources for startups.
If there is a resource that we have missed, please let us know in the comments. Have we missed something? Let us know that tool.