I didn’t believe when I heard from a local blog “SEO has been dead” but the fact is, SEO is still alive and its landscape has been changed. New SEO Marketing trends are adding regularly. Hummingbird, Panda 5.0, Penguin 3.0, Google Authorship, Page Rank Algorithm etc updates have been launched by Google in this year that’s why SEO has been changed holistically. So I think using some new SEO experiments and trends we can fulfill our business gaps. Some time ago, SEO was only link building process on forum, bookmarking, directory, blog, article & press release sites. Now we should have to improve our marketing strategy. Social media, blogging (content marketing) and link building are the most powerful buzzwords in this era.
Social Media Marketing Trends
Social media marketing is the best marketing trend in this era where you can easily amplify your reach. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, Apsense and many more sites are available. Some important points are given below:
- Join Facebook groups, Google communities, LinkedIn groups related to your product or business
- Must use image while posting on social media sites
- Use appropriate Hash Tag (#) while posting on social media site
Ex: – #iphoneios8 is awesome - Use tools for improving social media engagement Relevant Link – Content Promotion Using Social Media
- We should create business fan page on all popular social media sites
- Use social media icons and links on business website
- Regular posting on social media sites Relevant Link – Top Social Media Site’s List
Blogging or Content Marketing Trends
Regular blog posting can boost your traffic and conversations. Google loves fresh content. There are some steps which can boost your blogs.
Step 1. Design a good blog with high quality and unique content
Step 2. Blog should be based on new trends
Step 3. Title should be attractive
Step 4. Content should be more than 500 words.
Step 5. Replace repeated words in your content from synonymous.
Step 6. Highlight important lines in your blog.
Step 7. Add author tag and author description in blog
Step 8. Use at least one attractive and unique image in your blog which helps during social media posting.
Step 9. Promote your blog post on all social media sites and its related groups by using different & unique titles.
Relevant Link – How to increase your Blog Traffic
Step 10. Analyze your blog’s traffic using Google Analytic Read More About Google Analytic
Step 11. Improve user connections and engagements.
Step 12. Do some link building for each blog.
Step 13. Use RSS feed/Atom in website for fast crawling or indexing.
Relevant Link
Content or Blog Promotion – Backlinko
Mobile Friendly design must for future
Today most of New Yorkers use Smartphone and tablets. It will increase in future so responsive website is mandatory today. It’s undeniable that mobile users are increasing regularly even Google had announced that it will consider mobile friendly factor in his ranking and it had given a tool for checking mobile friendly design.
Relevant Link – Make your web pages fast on mobile
Relevant Link – mobile friendly Google test tool
Make your Business A Brand
Brand plays an important role and helps in global marketing. Marketing is getting harder day by day and after making a brand marketing work can be decrease. Keep it in your mind that customer’s satisfaction is the most powerful key factor for branding. Some essential points are given below to make a brand:
- Make business/profile page on all social media sites with brand name
- Use business logo in all social media postings
- Use business name wherever you are interacting with other businesses and people.
- Your website should have some pages such as leadership, who I am, about us, terms & condition, private policy, FAQ pages.
- Promote your brand on social media regularly
- Create YouTube channel and promote your videos on social media sites
Link Building Necessary for Ranking
I hate link building but they still works a lot and it is very powerful technique to get higher ranking on Google. It is also helpful for making a brand. You can hire a good SEO company for link building because it is really sensitive work, expert’s help will be required for link building causing Google penguin algorithm. Many complications are there in this technique like link building on quality and popular sites, don’t use penalized and banned site for link building, use proper keyword on link, use proper content when you build a link, keep it away from duplicate content, maintain nofollow – dofollow links ratio etc.
Conclusion – I hope you have understood that what exactly the changes are required in SEO and what trends should be used in 2015. SEO is not just a link building technique, it’s a combination of content marketing + Link Building + social media marketing + branding. We should use all platforms and resources to improve business popularity. Some topics like keyword density, title optimization, image optimization, Meta tags, anchor tags, alt tags, site map, robots.txt file, 404 error page and other on page seo techniques are also necessary in SEO so prefer SEO friendly website when you start seo. Just be careful when you start link building. Google analytic and webmaster tool both are very helpful to see results.
Author – CgColors is a web design agency and Marketing Company located in New York. We create seo friendly, mobile friendly web design and promote it using new search engine optimization techniques. Contact us for more details – Query Form